Junior CS student @ Bilkent University 🎓

Interested in all about computers 💻

Lifelong learner 🎯


  • B.S. Computer Science
    • Bilkent University, Sep 2021 - Jun 2025
    • CGPA: 3.13/4.00
    • High Honor Student for 2021-2022
    • Graduated as valedictorian from high school


  • Software Engineer Intern

    • Cape of Good Code GmbH, Jan 2024 - Present
    • Developing software analysis solutions for the DETANGLE Analysis Suite
    • Technologies: Python, Django, Vue.js, Git, Jira
  • Software Developer

    • Nart Bilişim Hizmetleri, Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
    • Developed full-stack solutions for the STAR project (Turkcell)
    • Technologies: Python, Django, REST API, SOAP API, MySQL, JavaScript, jQuery, Git, Linux
  • Backend Developer Intern

    • Nart Bilişim Hizmetleri, Jun 2023 - Aug 2023
    • Developed a network discovery script and solutions for major issues
    • Technologies: Python, Django, SOAP API, Git, Linux


  • geddit

    • A Django API service to wrap Reddit posts
  • Moondark

    • Aims to generate music like Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and Erik Satie’s Gymnopédie 1 with LSTM using Python 3 and TensorFlow
  • Lucid Dreams

    • A 2D platformer game with a custom-level editor using Java and PostgreSQL
  • Ozan

    • A collection of projects aiming to create songs like Turkish folk musician Aşık Veysel with artificial neural networks using Python for TÜBITAK 2204-A High School Students Research Students Competition


  • Bilkent University, Webmaster & Lab Tutor

    • Sep 2022 - Present
    • Maintenance of WordPress websites and lab tutor for various courses
  • IEEE Bilkent Student Branch, Chapter Chair

    • Jun 2022 - Jun 2023
    • Led various organizations with 500+ participants, including sessions with tech companies, programming contests, meetings with alums, and Python and Java programming tutorials


  • Python, Java, C/C++, TypeScript
  • Fast API, Django, Vue.js, TensorFlow, MySQL, Git, Bash Script, Docker
  • Linux: Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, RedHat
  • Full-stack development, OOP, software analysis, deep learning, and applications



  • Turkish (native)
  • English (professional working proficiency)
  • German (introductory)


  • Google Developers Machine Learning Bootcamp - Oct 2022

    • Participant
    • Learned fundamentals of neural networks, machine learning, deep learning, convolutional neural networks, natural language processing, and RNN, and programming deep learning solutions using Python and TensorFlow
  • Google Code-In - Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

    • Participant Developer
    • Completed several tasks given by Fedora Project and Copyleft Games using skills in Python programming and Linux
  • TÜBİTAK 2204-A - Mar 2020

    • 3rd Rank Regional third degree at TÜBİTAK (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) 2204-A High School Students Research Students Competition

Hobbies & Interests

  • Photography, cinema, nature, trekking, history, politics, philosophy